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2-4 on Friday

The Joy of Homeschooling

Hester VanBraeden

Hester VanBraeden has a ton of experience, as the daughter of a homeschooler and a homeschooler herself, she knows what's involved in Homeschooling. Join this workshop to learn the ins and outs.

Conducting Science Experiments at Home

Shanti Claycamp

The one thing every homeschooler wonders about: how do I conduct that crazy chemistry experiment in my kitchen with any hope that it will be succesful? Shanti Claycamp is a trained Horticulturist and Entomologist with her science degree from the University of Texas A&M. She's here to help!

DL Schools: Should Christians Use Them?

Kyla Bleyenberg

You may be rethinking whether or not you should continue to utilize a DL School. Kyla Bleyenberg will walk you through the various challenges that come from using a DL School and point out some of the amazing benefits

The Neccessity of Learning Biblical Languages

Luke Campbell

It may seem difficult, but it's not. Learning Biblical languages is absolutely essential for a well rounded education.

The Church and Education- Confronting Reality

Canadian Christian Education Movement:

Greg Needham

CCEM exists to help churches, parents, and educators provide Christ-centred education initiatives in their communities. 

Come find out how to start a task force for Christ-centred education at your church that will:

-Work under your church leadership

-Explore models of education that are right for your community

-Hold townhall meetings in your community

and more!

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